I remember the sing-alongs around my grandmother’s piano when I was a kid. Whether they were old songs or pop songs of the day, it really didn’t matter, as long as they were easy to sing and we knew all the words.
It was a natural transition for me to learn to chord and sing at the piano as I grew older. I took piano lessons, sang at church and school, and was even in a little band when I was 13.
I was in my 20’s when my grandmother developed dementia. In the beginning, I would go to her nursing home each week and sing with her. Eventually, I was performing sing-alongs at the piano for everyone in the home. This is where I learned the true magic of music.
I made these sing-along videos to help you, the caregiver and recreation personnel.
If you are uplifted by the music, then I believe your loved one will be uplifted too.
Life’s short. Let me help you to help them. And, let’s all have a little fun while we’re doing it!