carrie underwood

More on vocal folds, laryngeal tilt, twang and pop singing

I want to thank Jenny for getting me back to posting on my blog. I’ve been so “crazy” busy with teaching and performing…..I forgot how much I love answering your questions. Jenny was asking for clarification about the thickness of vocal folds in the great pop singers….below is my response. Hi Jenny The true definition … Read more

Carrie Underwood and The Sound of Music … What went wrong?

What went wrong? The acting went wrong. The singing did not. And what about the singing? Did the producers honestly think there would be no backlash when audiences compared Julie Andrew’s British classically-trained voice to Carrie Underwood’s broad and brassy southern twang? If we talk about Carrie’s voice, then that is what we get…..Carrie’s thick-cord, … Read more

Thick versus Thin….

What I’ve always loved about “speech-level” singing is the impact it has on the singer’s chest voice, especially for the ladies. When we sing low notes, it’s relatively easy to use thick folds, and in general we “thin out” as we ascend higher in pitch. The ability to control the thickness of the cords at … Read more

Speech Level Singing versus Estill Voice Technique

One of my goals is to share with you the similarities and differences with Speech Level Singing and Estill Voice Technique. They are both great voice methods, and there is something to be learned from both. In its’ simplest form, SLS is one recipe among the many Estill Voice Technique possibilities. I love SLS because … Read more

The voices of Carrie Underwood, Adele, Kelly Clarkson, Steven Tyler, John Mayer

Chest voice and head voice are terms for describing where the sound resonates in your body when you sing. In other words, the sound timbre or “color” of a voice quality at a certain pitch.  Singing teachers have argued for centuries over these concepts, and continue to do so. Most singers have experienced these sensations, … Read more

Ladies, we have double trouble

I see this time and time again, and I just have to write about it…. again. I had another female student today with a fabulous head voice, that she could carry down to her “belly button!” This is such a familiar trait of female trained voices. The throat is wide open, the larynx is low, and the … Read more

The “Carrie Underwood” / “Kelly Clarkson” type of voice

I wanted to talk about this type of voice, because the configuration to get it isn’t what most people think. When I have a student trying to sing in this style, I quite often hear a lot pf chest register being yelled at a high pitch that usually sounds dull, painful and, to say the … Read more

Analysis of Female Belters and the Star-Spangled Banner

Recently Christine Aguilera performed the Star-Spangled Banner at the Superbowl. This poor performance was more than just forgetting the words. In this post I hope to provide valuable information to female singers worldwide about the importance of key choices and style choices of songs they sing. I will compare famous pop singers who belt and … Read more

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