
I vocalized with my new app today driving into church. Have you tried the VocalizeU app yet!? It’s fabulous and FREE!

Singers, you may be thinking…wow, that’s all I need, the VocalizeU app, and I’ll get all the exercises I need to learn how to sing better! Right?

No, that’s wrong. Here lies the problem. Singers, you must realize this. It’s not the exercises in themselves that lead to a better singing voice; it’s HOW YOU DO the exercises!

You see, we all have unique bodies, unique vocal cords, an unique larynx, etc. (do I need to go on?) Therefore, every single voice has it’s own “issues” or “habits” that need to be addressed (including mine!) Therefore, without seeing a professional vocal coach who can assess what is actually going on with your voice, how can you, as a singer, possibly know if you are exercising properly in order to get the desired results? For all you know, you are merely reinforcing the issue that you actually want to change!

Don’t get me wrong. I am a huge fan of this app for singers! I’m also a fan of many vocal coaching sites that give free tips and exercises, such as Brett Manning’s Singing Success TV, Dave Brooks Vocal Coaching (great for country singers), and Eric Arseneaux’s Approach (great for R&B and pop). These are just to name a few.

Singers, soak it all up. There is a lot of information out there. You just need to learn how to sort through it. But first, get to know your voice by seeing a voice professional. Find out what your teacher thinks about these sites. Ask questions and try to figure out if you are on the “same page.” Without a coach’s input, you may simply be going through the motions, and not actually taking the correct steps to a better singing voice.

I’d be please to answer any questions, or recommend a good coach in your area. Leave me a comment!

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