Does the mixed voice resonate in the throat?

Hi Jeff, Thanks for writing.

Yes, a mixed voice definitely resonates in the throat. If you put your finger on your larynx, you will feel it vibrate. However, the chest voice alone resonates in the throat as well….and this is not mixing….so beware.

The true test for mixing is having ability to ascend and descend through your entire range without a break and without strain. Learning to mix well means teaching the cords to thin and stretch as you sing higher. The only way the cords can do this well is if the larynx is in the proper position. The best way to get the larynx (and the cords) in the correct position is to practice sounds that cause it do that coordination.

Here are some sounds to practise. I suggest a range from middle C to G for the male voice….and increase the range as this gets easier. Your goal should be to keep it light and crisp at first. Pay attention to the “edges” of your sound. This is a tough area of the voice for a male to get the cords to really thin out. Careful you are not just in head voice (falcetto). If so, start slightly lower. Ideally, you will be in a mix if you “allow” both registers to exist. It may feel like you are “sitting on a fence”. To manage your control, find the volume that allows you to balance this sensation. It may seem “small”. That’s OK.

1. The puppy dog whimper
2. Meow
3. Nay, nay, nay (speech level singing)
4. Hung …….. hold out the ung in a hum
5. A buzzy hum

6. Miren (slide with siren and “m”

Again, thanks for writing. Let me know how it goes. Susie

3 thoughts on “Does the mixed voice resonate in the throat?”

  1. Hi Brendan,

    Thanks for your question.

    I assume you are referring to the E above high C (with C4 being middle C).

    E5 is a tricky part of the voice, especially for a guy. Make sure you are vocalizing properly to ensure you can manage this pitch well.

    I suggest vocalizing with koo and the lip roll for your high voice. Be sure your vowel is being formed with an open throat. This is the challenge. All too often we lessen the space at the back of the throat as we go higher, which can make your sound nasal. Watch your jaw too, for tension. You should be able to move your jaw up and down easily.

    The lip roll or tongue trill will be the easiest to manage in this area, so do this often. Only take koo as high as you can manage with the above suggestions. Especially be aware of your technique from G4 to C5. This area needs to be managed well with adequate cord closure (the cry), and resonance (ng), before tackling the next area. Only sing as loud as you can manage this nicely.

    Start small (not too loud) and pay attention to detail.

    As for your nasal sound, you can try plugging your nose while singing and see if the sound changes. If it does, it means air is escaping through the nose (and you don’t want it to).


  2. Dear Susan, every time i hit notes in full voice from E5 up to Bb5, i feel that the resonance and vibrating sensation has risen from my Pharynx up to the top of my head and the “Mask”. Is this what the Head Mix is called? I heard that the mixed voice is actually head voice but with proper voice placement, chest overtones can be added to the Head voice thus creating a blended sound like the chest is thinning out.

    Furthermore, for notes like G5 and above, the sound is not as loud as i want so how do i increase the volume. I can email you a recording of me doing Gethsemane(I only want to say) with the iconic “Why” scream in full voice.

    I normally don’t warm up my breath support mechanism often so is that the problem as sometimes when i don’t warm up and hit those notes, i feel the larynx rising higher then it already should. I’m assuming this reduces space in the pharynx thus my voice can’t resonate as much as it should

    • Hi there,

      Thanks for writing. So sorry it has taken this long to respond.

      I assume you mean E4 to Bflat4 (between middle C and high C). Your first passaggio is around E4 and second is around Aflat4. I doubt you are referring to the next octave higher.

      If you want to email me a recording, I could get back to you about further thoughts. It is difficult to comment without hearing your voice.

      I will not be as long responding next time! Susan


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