how to breath

The Open Umbrella Sensation (Part 3)

So now that you are “belly breathing” we need to take you into the sensation of breath support. This is a biggy. What is actually happening is the muscles all around your body (back, ribs, stomach) are engaging to “hold back”,  “suspend” and control your breath. Again, this can be very tricky because I don’t … Read more


One way to improve your singing technique is by thinking about images or visualizations that help to put the body into the most efficient coordination. There are many images that can help with breath support and breathing. Try this one. Imagine you have an open umbrella in your abdomen. The handle is located near your … Read more

Get that sound out of the back of your throat

I know how it feels. I know you want to control it. I know it’s uncomfortable. But, if you want to take your singing to the next level, you need to be willing to let it go. That’s right, let go. Stop relying on the inside of your throat, tongue and jaw area to help … Read more

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