singing coach

Be A Vocal Athlete

If you wanted to get your body fit, chances are you would join a gym and/or hire a personal trainer. Getting your voice in shape to sing well is really no different. Chances are you would take singing lessons from a professional singing teacher or coach. You can certainly get fit without going to a … Read more

Your GPS to a better singing voice

There are no short cuts to having the voice you always dreamed of. However, with a good singing coach you should notice improvements in the first lesson and continue to learn and grow. With a good singing coach you should see a plan of action that will take you to a better voice one exercise at a … Read more


I vocalized with my new app today driving into church. Have you tried the VocalizeU app yet!? It’s fabulous and FREE! Singers, you may be thinking…wow, that’s all I need, the VocalizeU app, and I’ll get all the exercises I need to learn how to sing better! Right? No, that’s wrong. Here lies the problem. Singers, … Read more

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