
Bridging and Connecting

All singers really want to bridge and connect. For those of you studying speech level singing, bridging and connecting is simply another way of describing mixing. No matter what method you are studying, this concept is universal. A singer who isn`t bridging and connecting is either yodeling (flipping), pulling chest, or singing in falcetto.

Should you bridge early or not??

If your goal is to have a thick (chestier) sound in your upper range, then bridging early isn’t going to get you there. Bridging early will help balance your voice, and achieve good cord closure through your entire register. Bridging later will give you the advantage of more mouth and throat resonance with a tilted … Read more

The “Mariah Carey” Voice

Mariah is a fabulous singer! She can do acrobatics with her voice! She has managed to sing strong and consistently for over two decades while enduring the typical stressful life indicative of a top-selling recording artist in the 21st century. Even a balanced voice like Mariah Carey’s can run the risk of vocal damage such as nodes … Read more

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