Christina Aguilera

More on vocal folds, laryngeal tilt, twang and pop singing

I want to thank Jenny for getting me back to posting on my blog. I’ve been so “crazy” busy with teaching and performing…..I forgot how much I love answering your questions. Jenny was asking for clarification about the thickness of vocal folds in the great pop singers….below is my response. Hi Jenny The true definition … Read more

The Amazing Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera…definitely a voice to reckon with. She has an incredible voice and can sing with such conviction. We all want to sing like Christina Aguilera…or do we? Christina can break all the rules and get away with it. But, believe me, you and I can’t. Christina knows her body and her chops extremely well. … Read more

Thick versus Thin….

What I’ve always loved about “speech-level” singing is the impact it has on the singer’s chest voice, especially for the ladies. When we sing low notes, it’s relatively easy to use thick folds, and in general we “thin out” as we ascend higher in pitch. The ability to control the thickness of the cords at … Read more

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