high larynx

Day 2

Day 2, same as Day 1. I thought I would share with you some of the details that I pay attention to while I’m vocalizing. #1   I keep the volume the same throughout. The challenge is bringing out the volume of my low notes, while not pushing for my high notes. #2   I … Read more

The interesting voice of Alanis Morissette

Yes, there are loads of professional famous singers who sing with a high larynx. It’s their signature sound. It’s their uniqueness. Do I recommend it? Absolutely not. It’s very limiting, tiring, and IMHO, usually not a marketable sound. The key is the ability to sing with a larynx high (if one choses for artistic reasons, … Read more

Changing your sound

There are many variations in sound quality you can make simply by altering the shape of your vocal “tube” or tract. Your tube is the length and area where your breath passes as it blows through your vocal cords. Moving the “house” or “voice box” gives you many options. Knowing how to move it up … Read more

Position of the larynx

Speech Level Singing has been given a bit of a bad rap when it comes to the position of the larynx. Let’s review. First of all, our larynx has a default position when we speak. Everyone is different. My larynx rises ever-so-slightly when I speak. I just happen to have a slightly “twangy” speaking voice.  I can … Read more

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