
Day 2

Day 2, same as Day 1. I thought I would share with you some of the details that I pay attention to while I’m vocalizing. #1   I keep the volume the same throughout. The challenge is bringing out the volume of my low notes, while not pushing for my high notes. #2   I … Read more

More on belting

Healthy belting requires ultimate breath control to avoid damage to the cords. First, no pushing. Simply allow. It requires a lot of energy and effort to belt safely. This effort and energy is felt in your abdomen, pelvis, ribs and back. You should feel no tension in the throat. The throat is very open and … Read more

Let’s talk Justin Bieber’s voice

I can’t diss this young man. After all, he grew up in my province of Ontario! My concern is the care and development of his voice, now that his voice is changing. I heard him on The Voice recently, and I wasn’t all that impressed. The middle voice didn’t sound “easy” and effortless, and he … Read more

Online Singing Products

What bothers me most about online “how to sing” products is the fact that every singer has a different problem standing in the way of the voice improving. Ideally, a singer needs to know what that problem is so they can focus on the right coordinations. Usually, a singer has more than one issue to … Read more

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