
The hoarse voice

Do you ask yourself why you keep losing your voice? Why do you get a hoarse voice after singing for an hour, a night, or maybe two nights in a club? The vocal cords can only handle so much pressure. When they are misused, we can hear evidence by the imperfections in the sound quality … Read more

The show must go on!

I woke up yesterday with a cold and hoarseness in my voice. I had three hours of performance to do later in the day, so I knew it was going to be a tough one with a lot of careful attention and energy to complete the job! First, I had a hot shower and my … Read more

Oh no! It’s cold and flu season…what’s a singer to do?

Hi everyone, As a singer, we should always be aware of what is happening with our body and voice. Singing with a cold or cough, is definitely not ideal, but it also doesn’t mean you have to put your head in the sand. Good technique and paying attention to your body will go a long … Read more

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