how to sing loud

How to sing louder in a mixed voice

If you follow speech level singing dialogue online about “mixing”, then you have probably read, somewhere, sometime, suggestions that a mixed voice can’t be powerful. Au Contraire! The mixed voice is very powerful. Let’s review what is the “mixed voice”. The mixed voice is simply the ability of the singer to ascend and descend in … Read more


One way to improve your singing technique is by thinking about images or visualizations that help to put the body into the most efficient coordination. There are many images that can help with breath support and breathing. Try this one. Imagine you have an open umbrella in your abdomen. The handle is located near your … Read more

Watch the faces of your favourite singers

Maybe you think all that facial movement is just for show? Careful. Don’t underestimate the value of having the ability to sing with your mouth wide open, or your cheeks lifted high. Try it. Is it easy? It should be. You voice will feel like it’s out in front of your mouth or nose….not in … Read more

How to know if your voice lessons are working….

So you’ve been taking lessons for quite some time, and you are not sure if it’s worth it. It costs a lot of money, and you cannot tell if it’s worth your while. Here are a few suggestions to help you determine progress. Make sure lessons are recorded and dated so you can go back … Read more

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