how to sing

Light and right / Strong and wrong

If you haven’t already subscribed to the Singing Success channel, you can get to it here:! This is Brett Manning’s most recent video about extending chest voice. This is such an important video for those of you trying to “belt”. The first and foremost thing you must be able to do before belting, is know … Read more

The “ng” exercise

Do you ever ask yourself why you do all these exercises? Each exercise is designed to bring an awareness about a correct coordination that is essential for good singing technique. When you exercise your voice by doing the same coordination over and over again, your larynx will begin to build “muscle memory” and it will … Read more

Check out Brett Manning’s mouth

Brett and his associates don’t talk much about your mouth or your soft palate, but take a look at him here. Do you see his teeth and the wide smile? I love this! This is exactly the placement for singing high notes, regardless of the style (unless you are singing opera or classical). This wide … Read more

Raise Your Voice by Jaime Vendera

If you are still trying to figure out how to belt correctly, then you need to read Jaime Vendera’s book, Raise Your Voice. This book has it all. Every little byproduct of good singing technique is in this book. His tell-all approach is inspiring and contagious. He doesn’t miss a thing. What I really appreciate … Read more

The interesting voice of Alanis Morissette

Yes, there are loads of professional famous singers who sing with a high larynx. It’s their signature sound. It’s their uniqueness. Do I recommend it? Absolutely not. It’s very limiting, tiring, and IMHO, usually not a marketable sound. The key is the ability to sing with a larynx high (if one choses for artistic reasons, … Read more


One way to improve your singing technique is by thinking about images or visualizations that help to put the body into the most efficient coordination. There are many images that can help with breath support and breathing. Try this one. Imagine you have an open umbrella in your abdomen. The handle is located near your … Read more

Rock singing and Twang

This is a match made in heaven. If you have twang in your speaking voice, hooray for you! Check for this: Can you imitate cartoon or comedy characters in your high/mixed voice? (This cannot be breathy). It should be loud and whiney with a brassy, bright sound. Can you make a nasty, witchy sound, or … Read more

More on rock singing…..

My last post told you of the set-up in the voice box that is ideal for singing rock music. So what differentiates a good rock singer from being just-OK? The answer is control! Most amateurs are squeezing out their sound in an attempt to sound “big”. When a singer is in control of all the … Read more

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