
Who Says That “Mix” Is Dead?

I’ve heard it said that “mix” is dead. I beg to differ. In my world mix is alive and well. The term “mix” stems from the speech level singing technique. It’s not some new-found idea for learning how to sing, it’s simply a way of describing balance of resonance when you sing. Singing in the … Read more

Easier way to access your mix

With speech level singing, one of the main directives is to sing in your mix. Your mixed voice is simply the ability to sing from the bottom of your range to the top of your range without flipping, without raising your larynx, without shouting, and without laryngeal constriction. There are some sounds that set you … Read more

Are you singing with too much breath?

There is a delicate balancing act happening in your body while you sing. Your breathing pattern is responding to how you just spent your last breath. This happens automatically and we don’t really need to think about it. Or do we? Speech Level Singing takes the emphasis off of breathing technique, and puts it at the … Read more

The nagging “flip”

So this topic comes back and nags me every know and then. Actually, almost everytime I see a musical play. Doesn’t it bother anyone to listen to a female singer with “two” voices? These singers who have a beautifully developed head voice all the way down to their belly button. Of course, that’s the problem. … Read more

Why I Admire Seth Riggs

Seth Riggs, the man behind the incredible singing technique called Speech Level Singing. Many great singing coaches have learned from his early teachings. Teachers such as Brett Manning (Singing Success), Roger Love  (The Perfect Voice), and Roger Burnley (Singing Made Simple) have gone on to create fabulous singing programs in their own right. What makes this man … Read more

What’s after mixing?

Once you know you are “mixing” your voice, what is next? Is that all there is? Well, certainly not. Mixing is a good start, however! The ability to mix your registers and sing well in your middle voice will set you up nicely with the coordination for safe and healthy resonance. But there are other very important factors … Read more

The “Mariah Carey” Voice

Mariah is a fabulous singer! She can do acrobatics with her voice! She has managed to sing strong and consistently for over two decades while enduring the typical stressful life indicative of a top-selling recording artist in the 21st century. Even a balanced voice like Mariah Carey’s can run the risk of vocal damage such as nodes … Read more

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