thyroid cartilage

Tilting is good, rising is bad

The ability to tilt the larynx happens at the thyroid cartilage and the cricoid cartilage (in the larynx) which are connected at the cricothyroid joint. There is a space in between that can be either open or closed. Tilting happens when the space is closed. Working on the ‘ng’ sound through your break will work … Read more

Easier way to access your mix

With speech level singing, one of the main directives is to sing in your mix. Your mixed voice is simply the ability to sing from the bottom of your range to the top of your range without flipping, without raising your larynx, without shouting, and without laryngeal constriction. There are some sounds that set you … Read more

Working on the whimper

The ability to make certain sounds can have great benefit on your overall vocal ability. The trick is being able to make these sounds correctly without constriction (pushing).  It’s always a good idea to have a coach work with you on these sounds to make sure you are going about it the right way. A great … Read more

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