
Tongue out and hum exercise

My last post was about the tongue and how it can get in the way when you are singing. When you let your tongue hang out over your bottom lip, it cannot interfere with the back of your throat and stop you from mixing. This is a great way to exercise your voice, although you … Read more

The interesting voice of Alanis Morissette

Yes, there are loads of professional famous singers who sing with a high larynx. It’s their signature sound. It’s their uniqueness. Do I recommend it? Absolutely not. It’s very limiting, tiring, and IMHO, usually not a marketable sound. The key is the ability to sing with a larynx high (if one choses for artistic reasons, … Read more

Get that sound out of the back of your throat

I know how it feels. I know you want to control it. I know it’s uncomfortable. But, if you want to take your singing to the next level, you need to be willing to let it go. That’s right, let go. Stop relying on the inside of your throat, tongue and jaw area to help … Read more

Tongue out exercises

Love ’em, love ’em, love ’em! And you should do ’em, do ’em, do ’em! This is no easy task but it’s a sure fire way to find out if the back of your tongue is getting in the way of mixing from chest to head voice. So, let your tongue hang out…not forced out … Read more

Laryngeal rise versus laryngeal tilt………

There’s a big difference between the larynx rising and the larynx tilting. Too much raising of the larynx will only cause you grief. You are basically choking yourself into a squeezed sound with nowhere to resonate. Tilting the larynx, on the other hand, will allow you to sing in your high register because the cords … Read more

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