how to sing

Do you have trouble singing on key?

There are a few different reasons why people have trouble singing on key. We usually assume it is because they are not “hearing” or “listening” to the music well enough to copy. Teachers will generally assume this is an ear-training issue. While I don’t totally disagree, I want to draw your attention to a couple … Read more

Singing tips…….sing higher, sing better

So many singers sing poorly by trying to copy the “sound” of their favourite singers. Unfortunately, without knowing how to copy correctly, it can cause many many problems for singers. Knowledge is power, so read on for a few tips on singing better. To the average listener/singer, a great big voice may sound simply loud and powerful. The … Read more

It takes time and good habits to develop a good singing voice…

Getting results from your singing lessons takes time. Don’t get discouraged. It took me years to get the quality of voice I have now, and I still take vocal lessons. Your voice can maintain for as long as you are alive if you do it correctly. There are professional singers who really understand this. These singers … Read more

Which is better….to be a great singer or to be an interesting singer?

Well, I’m sure not everyone is going to agree with me on this one. Let’s start by defining what I mean by “great.”  By great, I mean “perfect.” I mean close to perfection, as in singing “properly.” In my humble opinion, a pretty voice is sometimes boring.   A pretty voice sometimes lacks the surprise and edge that comes with doing to our vocal cords, … Read more

Were you labelled tone-deaf?

Teachers have learned a lot from the previous generation. We have learned that one of most detrimental things that can be said to a child is that they sound bad and they can’t sing. These children grow up into adults who have never experienced proper pitch matching in a song, and therefore have never really experienced the true … Read more

Singing with Emotion…

When someone wants to learn how to sing better, there are quite a few angles that can help. Technique is obviously very important, and a huge part of the puzzle is being able to sing and show “emotion” in your voice.  How do you know if you are singing with emotion? Well, for me as a … Read more

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