low larynx

Day 2

Day 2, same as Day 1. I thought I would share with you some of the details that I pay attention to while I’m vocalizing. #1   I keep the volume the same throughout. The challenge is bringing out the volume of my low notes, while not pushing for my high notes. #2   I … Read more

Check out Dave Brooks

I highly recommend Dave Brooks from Nashville for singing tips. Check him out here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yE_yUawJdBU&feature=relmfu Notice his emphasis on the “sob” and the “whine” to get cord closure. This can’t be stressed enough for commercial “contemporary” style music like country, rock, gospel, pop, and even opera…….yes opera. This coordination will get the cords closed on … Read more

Position of the larynx

Speech Level Singing has been given a bit of a bad rap when it comes to the position of the larynx. Let’s review. First of all, our larynx has a default position when we speak. Everyone is different. My larynx rises ever-so-slightly when I speak. I just happen to have a slightly “twangy” speaking voice.  I can … Read more

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