mixed voice

Does the mixed voice resonate in the throat?

Hi Jeff, Thanks for writing. Yes, a mixed voice definitely resonates in the throat. If you put your finger on your larynx, you will feel it vibrate. However, the chest voice alone resonates in the throat as well….and this is not mixing….so beware. The true test for mixing is having ability to ascend and descend … Read more

The root of the tongue

Learning how to sing better means knowing about your voice, and all the elements that can affect your sound. The tongue can be a major player in sound production. It can help you make beautiful sounding tones, or it can cause your voice lots of grief. The root of the tongue starts in the same … Read more

How do you “sing with emotion”?

Why is it that “your” music stirs up such a strong “sense” within you, but not necessarily in the person beside you. Is it the lyrics? Is it the beat? Is it the volume and speed? Is it the singer? Why is it that what rocks one person’s music world doesn’t do the same for … Read more

Tongue out exercises

Love ’em, love ’em, love ’em! And you should do ’em, do ’em, do ’em! This is no easy task but it’s a sure fire way to find out if the back of your tongue is getting in the way of mixing from chest to head voice. So, let your tongue hang out…not forced out … Read more

Great ladies of voice

Why do we love Adele’s voice so much? Or Whitney Houston, Celine Dion or Christine Aguilera? Sure, it’s because they exude so much drama and passion when they sing, but how do they do that? The ability to portray what you are feeling in a technically correct way is really what we are talking about … Read more

The illusion of power

Too many times I hear over-compressed cords from students who think  they are singing with power. Unfortunately this sound is dull and to be quite blunt … ugly. Over-compressing the cords will only cause students trouble as they try to sing higher, because  they can’t release this sensation without flipping into falcetto. The answer is; … Read more

Who Says That “Mix” Is Dead?

I’ve heard it said that “mix” is dead. I beg to differ. In my world mix is alive and well. The term “mix” stems from the speech level singing technique. It’s not some new-found idea for learning how to sing, it’s simply a way of describing balance of resonance when you sing. Singing in the … Read more

Mystery of the mixed voice

Mixed voice simply means middle voice. The overlap of the chest resonance and the head resonance. A great exercise for finding your mix is the cat’s meow sound…….or change it to neow to make it a little easier. Pay attention to the feel. The “e” should feel near your nose…or your front teeth. The “ow” … Read more

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