
How do they do it?

That’s always the question? How do they do it? The masters of rock and pop singing? Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden. Steven Tyler, and more, how do they do it? They are masters, indeed! Some may say it’s genetics, but vocal experts will say that there are a few key issues … Read more

Pavarotti soothes pain from video clip…

I just watched a video clip that I wish I never opened. I’m vocalizing now (well sort of, at the same time as I’m writing). Specifically I’m lip-rolling to Pavarotti…..he’s loud. It is soothing me, relaxing me after an exhausting weekend at a conference…specifically after watching a horrible video on line. It’s late and I … Read more

The future of education…where are we going?

I wanted to go to university when I graduated from high school but my family didn’t have the money. All my friends were going to university, and I truly felt “less than them” because I had to go to college … it was affordable. Twenty-five years and tons of experience later, I’m actually content that … Read more

Which is it? Technique or Style?

I want to address what Speech Level Singing is and what it is not. SLS is a vocal technique that balances and connects the voice from the low notes to the high notes. It is a superb technique that sets singers up to sing in any style they choose safely and efficiently. It is not … Read more

Why Can’t I Sing In Tune?

There are basically two reasons why a singer can’t duplicate the pitch that he hears? Firstly, the singer has an “ear” problem. The singer cannot duplicate the sound he is hearing because he does not know if he is on pitch. He has not (typically) practised this from a young age and has developed no … Read more

Are you willing to let go?

Singing is such a “freeing” sensation. Quite the opposite of how a lot of people sing, however. The ability to “release” or “let go” can be a difficult concept for some singers to grasp. Our instinct might be to “grab on” and “control” those notes to make them louder and more powerful. This “idea” can … Read more

We’ve come a long way in 150 years…..

The industrial revolution is over. The idea that you will simply get a job in a factory when you are finished high school, or go to college/university and have a job waiting for you when you finish in no longer the reality. There is a new trend, a much different trend, a technological trend. It is up … Read more

You know you’re a professional when…..

In no particular order……….. 1. You are able to sing when you are not in perfect condition…such as having a viral cold. 2. You are good without having to work very hard at it. 3. You can express yourself with good pitch, diction, volume control and phrasing. 4. You can speak with other singers and … Read more

Broadway and kids….

The singing world is in a revolution. Frankly, the entire world is in a revolution….but definitely so is the “art” and function of singing. What I want to discuss is the child’s voice on Broadway. Think about it. You usually hear one of two things: 1) The child sings in his/her lower register (chest voice) … Read more

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