how to belt

Creating your own sound

A large percentage of female singers struggle with being “stuck” in their head voice. This is usually the classically trained voice or “choir-like” voice. For those of you looking for a more “pop” sound, or “beltier” sound, try these exercises. These signature sounds can be heard in the voices of Rhianna, Kelly Clarkson, Christina Aguilera, … Read more

The root of the tongue

Learning how to sing better means knowing about your voice, and all the elements that can affect your sound. The tongue can be a major player in sound production. It can help you make beautiful sounding tones, or it can cause your voice lots of grief. The root of the tongue starts in the same … Read more

Ladies: Your Money Notes

Getting fit as a singer means learning how to sing through all your vocal breaks–your entire vocal register. Ladies, the average range for you is approximately F or G below middle C (C4) to G above high C (C5). This is the average…..good female singers may sing through to high high C (C6) and even … Read more

Light and right / Strong and wrong

If you haven’t already subscribed to the Singing Success channel, you can get to it here:! This is Brett Manning’s most recent video about extending chest voice. This is such an important video for those of you trying to “belt”. The first and foremost thing you must be able to do before belting, is know … Read more

Carrie Manolakas sings Creep (Radiohead cover)

I’m sure many of you have seen this heart-wretching rendition of Carrie Manolakas’ cover of Creep. She possesses such a compelling hold and control of this song. Have a listen. Jen DeRosa from Tom Burke’s Voice Studio talks about how Carrie is managing these sounds.  (A Quick Fix for Chicks that Mix)  Check that … Read more

One of the best country singer belters is Carrie Underwood

No doubt, one of  the best female country belters is Carrie Underwood. Take note of Carrie’s first line here at the chorus of How Great Thou Art…starting at 2:26. Notice the head tilt back in conjunction with the ascending notes…..“Then sings my soul”, and then the head comes back down when descending on the … Read more

Raise Your Voice by Jaime Vendera

If you are still trying to figure out how to belt correctly, then you need to read Jaime Vendera’s book, Raise Your Voice. This book has it all. Every little byproduct of good singing technique is in this book. His tell-all approach is inspiring and contagious. He doesn’t miss a thing. What I really appreciate … Read more

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