how to sing better

Types of voices

Singing starts with our speaking voice….and we are all blessed with a speaking voice that is uniquely our own. Some people have a breathy voice, while others don’t. Some people have thick cords while others have thin. Some people have a larynx that sits higher in their throat than others. Some people have short tongues, … Read more

Knowing your instrument

We know the voice is a delicate little instrument that can easily be damaged when used incorrectly. Did you know the vocal folds (cords) are composed of three elements: muscle, ligament and an outer fleshy mucous membrane. When used correctly, this little instrument can accomplish amazing feats. We can’t see the cords while we sing, … Read more

The root of the tongue

Learning how to sing better means knowing about your voice, and all the elements that can affect your sound. The tongue can be a major player in sound production. It can help you make beautiful sounding tones, or it can cause your voice lots of grief. The root of the tongue starts in the same … Read more

Ladies: Your Money Notes

Getting fit as a singer means learning how to sing through all your vocal breaks–your entire vocal register. Ladies, the average range for you is approximately F or G below middle C (C4) to G above high C (C5). This is the average…..good female singers may sing through to high high C (C6) and even … Read more

Get that sound out of the back of your throat

I know how it feels. I know you want to control it. I know it’s uncomfortable. But, if you want to take your singing to the next level, you need to be willing to let it go. That’s right, let go. Stop relying on the inside of your throat, tongue and jaw area to help … Read more

Best “Ah-ha” moment

One of the best “ah-ha” moments about my voice came to me the summer I had a quaint little gig in the bar area of a classy restaurant. It was a quiet room that only sat about 6 people at the bar, and had six tables in a room approximately 20′ X 20′. I had … Read more

Copy, copy, copy

There I said it. Now I’ll wait for all the criticism. Oh yes, I’ve been criticized for telling you to copy from your favourite singers. I’m constantly thinking about the pros and cons of training and listening to your teacher, versus listening and copying as many different singers as you can. My own teaching experience … Read more

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