
Jeanie Lovetri (The Lovetri Method)

I attended a level 1 training conference with Jeanie Lovetri last summer. I felt very aligned with her philosophy on how to teach singing. I learned a lot, and was reminded about how important our body and mind is when we sing. The ability to sing with freedom from tension in the body, is the ability … Read more

Types of voices

Singing starts with our speaking voice….and we are all blessed with a speaking voice that is uniquely our own. Some people have a breathy voice, while others don’t. Some people have thick cords while others have thin. Some people have a larynx that sits higher in their throat than others. Some people have short tongues, … Read more

So, I’ve fallen off the wagon

It happens, right? Even though I know that keeping my voice “in shape” means doing my exercises daily, I haven’t been practising what I preach. Oh, I have my excuses…it started with a bad cold in the fall, and then I was so busy at Christmas….I never had any time for vocalizing. And then we … Read more

What is Twang?

The simplest way to explain twang, is to say that the cords do a remarkable thing when they are aligned correctly. They will stretch and thin because the larynx is tilting. There is a “funnel” created which is like having an extra resonating chamber in your throat. Your voice will “pop”! You can achieve volume … Read more

Institute for Vocal Advancement

If you haven’t heard about the Institute for Vocal Advancement, then check out their website here This organization is run by a group of fine teachers, mostly of whom are previous master teachers from the Speech Level Singing organization run by Seth Riggs. I believe this organization has much to offer both students and teachers. … Read more

The hoarse voice

Do you ask yourself why you keep losing your voice? Why do you get a hoarse voice after singing for an hour, a night, or maybe two nights in a club? The vocal cords can only handle so much pressure. When they are misused, we can hear evidence by the imperfections in the sound quality … Read more

The “ng” exercise

Do you ever ask yourself why you do all these exercises? Each exercise is designed to bring an awareness about a correct coordination that is essential for good singing technique. When you exercise your voice by doing the same coordination over and over again, your larynx will begin to build “muscle memory” and it will … Read more

“Learn the rules like a pro, and then break them”

There is a saying in dance “learn the rules like a pro, and then break them”. It’s perfectly appropriate for singing as well. Freedom to express yourself is directly related to the amount of control you have over your voice. With good singing technique, you have equal control of your high, middle and low registers. … Read more

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