singing lessons

The nagging “flip”

So this topic comes back and nags me every know and then. Actually, almost everytime I see a musical play. Doesn’t it bother anyone to listen to a female singer with “two” voices? These singers who have a beautifully developed head voice all the way down to their belly button. Of course, that’s the problem. … Read more

Be A Vocal Athlete

If you wanted to get your body fit, chances are you would join a gym and/or hire a personal trainer. Getting your voice in shape to sing well is really no different. Chances are you would take singing lessons from a professional singing teacher or coach. You can certainly get fit without going to a … Read more

How to know if your voice lessons are working….

So you’ve been taking lessons for quite some time, and you are not sure if it’s worth it. It costs a lot of money, and you cannot tell if it’s worth your while. Here are a few suggestions to help you determine progress. Make sure lessons are recorded and dated so you can go back … Read more

Why I’m glad I didn’t take traditional singing lessons…

I grew up singing. I sang at nursery school, I sang at church. I sang at public school in the choir and when I was 13 started a “band” with my sister. I played bass guitar and she played drums. We also had two friends in the band who sang and played guitar. We would … Read more

How to get a “mixed” voice

  Everyone’s voice has a low section and high section. The low end is your chest voice and the high end is your head voice. The essence of good singing is utilizing both the chest voice and the head voice at the same time. This is called your “mixed voice”. Make sense? Your chest voice … Read more

It takes time and good habits to develop a good singing voice…

Getting results from your singing lessons takes time. Don’t get discouraged. It took me years to get the quality of voice I have now, and I still take vocal lessons. Your voice can maintain for as long as you are alive if you do it correctly. There are professional singers who really understand this. These singers … Read more

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