Susie Q

Should you bridge early or not??

If your goal is to have a thick (chestier) sound in your upper range, then bridging early isn’t going to get you there. Bridging early will help balance your voice, and achieve good cord closure through your entire register. Bridging later will give you the advantage of more mouth and throat resonance with a tilted … Read more

Mix it

I much prefer to hear a singing voice that is unique and interesting, to a voice that has been trained to sound the same as other “trained” voices. If your plan is singing in a band, or karaoke, or even musical theatre, then beware what “kind” of voice training you get. Radio-friendly voices today are … Read more

Taylor Swift’s voice gets in the mix

If you have been paying attention to Taylor Swift’s range and voice, you will notice some changes happening in her mix. Her first two albums were “strained” in the mix, as she “pulled” her chest voice to manage notes of A, B flat and B above middle C on songs like “Teardrops on My Guitar” … Read more

The voices of Carrie Underwood, Adele, Kelly Clarkson, Steven Tyler, John Mayer

Chest voice and head voice are terms for describing where the sound resonates in your body when you sing. In other words, the sound timbre or “color” of a voice quality at a certain pitch.  Singing teachers have argued for centuries over these concepts, and continue to do so. Most singers have experienced these sensations, … Read more

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