
Breath Support (Part 1)

Breath support is such an interesting feeling. When you tap into the exactness of this coordination with your body, your ability to sing better can explode. The ability to control your voice is what we are talking about here. The ability to manage volume changes, vibrato variations, and change tonal colors are under this umbrella … Read more

Are you “over-singing”?

When you understand what is going on in the larynx and at the vocal cords, then it’s much easier to make changes and get the results you are looking for. Knowing what your vocal cords are doing when you speak is a great place to start. I have a somewhat breathy, but resonant speaking voice, … Read more

How do you “sing with emotion”?

Why is it that “your” music stirs up such a strong “sense” within you, but not necessarily in the person beside you. Is it the lyrics? Is it the beat? Is it the volume and speed? Is it the singer? Why is it that what rocks one person’s music world doesn’t do the same for … Read more

When the Heart, Voice and Body meet

Why do we love to sing and listen to ourselves in the shower? There are a number of reasons. The echo reverberation generated by the hard surfaces is reason enough. We hear our voice as big, loud and “easy”. And, we are completely naked! We have no inhibitions! No one is watching, and no one … Read more

Too perfect?

I have a female client who has been training with me for the past year. She has lovely sound. A very pretty voice. However, she is not happy with her sound. She wants to sound more like a radio singer (she names examples likeTaylor Swift, Kelly Clarkson, Pink, Rhianna). This young lady had previous classical … Read more

The problem? Are you practising enough?

So, when are you practising? Where are you practising? How long are you practising? I know it’s challenging. You live with other people….. you don’t want to annoy the neighbors…. it’s embarrassing and hard to “let go”…… I get it. But, that’s the way it is. Do you really want to be singer? No, I … Read more

Light and right / Strong and wrong

If you haven’t already subscribed to the Singing Success channel, you can get to it here:! This is Brett Manning’s most recent video about extending chest voice. This is such an important video for those of you trying to “belt”. The first and foremost thing you must be able to do before belting, is know … Read more

Carrie Manolakas sings Creep (Radiohead cover)

I’m sure many of you have seen this heart-wretching rendition of Carrie Manolakas’ cover of Creep. She possesses such a compelling hold and control of this song. Have a listen. Jen DeRosa from Tom Burke’s Voice Studio talks about how Carrie is managing these sounds.  (A Quick Fix for Chicks that Mix)  Check that … Read more

The “ng” exercise

Do you ever ask yourself why you do all these exercises? Each exercise is designed to bring an awareness about a correct coordination that is essential for good singing technique. When you exercise your voice by doing the same coordination over and over again, your larynx will begin to build “muscle memory” and it will … Read more

One of the best country singer belters is Carrie Underwood

No doubt, one of  the best female country belters is Carrie Underwood. Take note of Carrie’s first line here at the chorus of How Great Thou Art…starting at 2:26. Notice the head tilt back in conjunction with the ascending notes…..“Then sings my soul”, and then the head comes back down when descending on the … Read more

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