how to belt

How to Belt

I stumbled on this video and it prompted me to write this post. Take a moment and watch this first. Expert Village should be ashamed of themselves for posting this. It certainly has tarnished my impression of anything they post as being “expert”. First, let me state….I’m no expert! However, I do try to … Read more

Singing Isn’t Rocket Science….

Learning to sing better isn’t rocket science. However, difficulty can arise when a singer wants to sound like someone else. You know what I mean. Singers may want to sound like Josh Groban, Charlotte Church, Christine Aguilera, Steven Perry, Barbra Streisand….the list goes on. We all have our favourite voices that we try to emulate. All … Read more

The untrained voice and belt singing

The definition of (chest) belting according to Seth Riggs is using an excessive amount of air (air blast) and vocal cord tension in an attempt to sing louder. Over the last 50 years, singers have been using their voices in many new and demanding, interesting and entertaining ways. Whether we like it or not, the … Read more

Why I’m glad I didn’t take traditional singing lessons…

I grew up singing. I sang at nursery school, I sang at church. I sang at public school in the choir and when I was 13 started a “band” with my sister. I played bass guitar and she played drums. We also had two friends in the band who sang and played guitar. We would … Read more

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