how to sing

Jeanie Lovetri (The Lovetri Method)

I attended a level 1 training conference with Jeanie Lovetri last summer. I felt very aligned with her philosophy on how to teach singing. I learned a lot, and was reminded about how important our body and mind is when we sing. The ability to sing with freedom from tension in the body, is the ability … Read more

I love the idea of “speech level” and “allow”

Speech level singing can get a bad rap these days. For me, having my first lesson with a SLS instructor over 10 years ago, was true validation. Two main things happened for me: 1. I finally had a coach who was working my entire range at one time. Two and a half octave scales, going … Read more

Does the mixed voice resonate in the throat?

Hi Jeff, Thanks for writing. Yes, a mixed voice definitely resonates in the throat. If you put your finger on your larynx, you will feel it vibrate. However, the chest voice alone resonates in the throat as well….and this is not mixing….so beware. The true test for mixing is having ability to ascend and descend … Read more

Day 2

Day 2, same as Day 1. I thought I would share with you some of the details that I pay attention to while I’m vocalizing. #1   I keep the volume the same throughout. The challenge is bringing out the volume of my low notes, while not pushing for my high notes. #2   I … Read more

Tongue out and hum exercise

My last post was about the tongue and how it can get in the way when you are singing. When you let your tongue hang out over your bottom lip, it cannot interfere with the back of your throat and stop you from mixing. This is a great way to exercise your voice, although you … Read more

Thick versus Thin….

What I’ve always loved about “speech-level” singing is the impact it has on the singer’s chest voice, especially for the ladies. When we sing low notes, it’s relatively easy to use thick folds, and in general we “thin out” as we ascend higher in pitch. The ability to control the thickness of the cords at … Read more

The Open Umbrella Sensation (Part 3)

So now that you are “belly breathing” we need to take you into the sensation of breath support. This is a biggy. What is actually happening is the muscles all around your body (back, ribs, stomach) are engaging to “hold back”,  “suspend” and control your breath. Again, this can be very tricky because I don’t … Read more

The Intake of air (the inhale – part 2)

Most of you have heard of “sing from the diaphragm” or diaphragmatic breathing during the singing. Basically this simply means that the ideal way to control your breath is to engage the diaphragm more fully. Well, we can’t simply tell our diaphragms to work harder, or better, or more efficiently. This usually just causes the … Read more

Breath Support (Part 1)

Breath support is such an interesting feeling. When you tap into the exactness of this coordination with your body, your ability to sing better can explode. The ability to control your voice is what we are talking about here. The ability to manage volume changes, vibrato variations, and change tonal colors are under this umbrella … Read more

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