Susie Q

Thick versus Thin….

What I’ve always loved about “speech-level” singing is the impact it has on the singer’s chest voice, especially for the ladies. When we sing low notes, it’s relatively easy to use thick folds, and in general we “thin out” as we ascend higher in pitch. The ability to control the thickness of the cords at … Read more

The root of the tongue

Learning how to sing better means knowing about your voice, and all the elements that can affect your sound. The tongue can be a major player in sound production. It can help you make beautiful sounding tones, or it can cause your voice lots of grief. The root of the tongue starts in the same … Read more

Ladies: Your Money Notes

Getting fit as a singer means learning how to sing through all your vocal breaks–your entire vocal register. Ladies, the average range for you is approximately F or G below middle C (C4) to G above high C (C5). This is the average…..good female singers may sing through to high high C (C6) and even … Read more

Are you finding your “mix”?

I get many emails and audio files from singers asking how they know if they are mixing. They want to know how to sing in a mixed voice. The #1 tell-tale sign that you are NOT mixing well is if your larynx is rising too high and you feel like you have hit a ceiling. … Read more

Putting it together (Part 4)

Now that you have learned what good breathing technique should feel like in your body, it’s time to actually sing. I suggest practising on easy notes within your range. As you sing higher, the effort and the amount of air you take in, will need to increase down yonder… start easy and focus on the … Read more

The Open Umbrella Sensation (Part 3)

So now that you are “belly breathing” we need to take you into the sensation of breath support. This is a biggy. What is actually happening is the muscles all around your body (back, ribs, stomach) are engaging to “hold back”,  “suspend” and control your breath. Again, this can be very tricky because I don’t … Read more

The Intake of air (the inhale – part 2)

Most of you have heard of “sing from the diaphragm” or diaphragmatic breathing during the singing. Basically this simply means that the ideal way to control your breath is to engage the diaphragm more fully. Well, we can’t simply tell our diaphragms to work harder, or better, or more efficiently. This usually just causes the … Read more

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