chest voice

The struggles of two voices……

I still remember when I was 16 and had ‘two different voices’. That’s right. I had my ‘not-so-great’ American Idol voice, and I had my ‘choir-like’ sweet voice. They were two separate voices coming from my throat, and they never met each other in the same performance. I struggled with the challenge of deciding “which … Read more

Broadway singers must demonstrate belt

I’ve said before what a tough job it is for female Broadway singers these days. Most casting directors are requiring singers to demonstrate a belt, as well as show a nicely mixed legit voice. Not many auditions require a legit soprano voice anymore. Instead, they are looking for a legit voice that can sing from … Read more

Where are you going to find your voice teacher?

As I have said many times before…I’m glad I didn’t take voice lessons as a teenager! Why? Because I would have gone to the old lady down the street who directs the church choir….that’s why! There were no other options where I grew up. And watch out. There are still many more choir-like teachers in … Read more

Adele’s new voice – Skyfall

If you are working on your chest voice so you can sing more Adele songs, you may be able to access your mix more easily in her latest song Skyfall. Most of this song is under the first bridge (as are the others). But most importantly, there is no chorus repeatedly using thick folds through … Read more

Sing above the pencil

For those of you still wondering if you are “mixing” with your head voice resonance, try this. Visualize you are holding a pencil lengthwise between your teeth (or actually put a pencil between your teeth!). Now, direct every note you sing above the pencil line. In other words, “think” your sound into your face. If … Read more

Mix it

I much prefer to hear a singing voice that is unique and interesting, to a voice that has been trained to sound the same as other “trained” voices. If your plan is singing in a band, or karaoke, or even musical theatre, then beware what “kind” of voice training you get. Radio-friendly voices today are … Read more

Who Says That “Mix” Is Dead?

I’ve heard it said that “mix” is dead. I beg to differ. In my world mix is alive and well. The term “mix” stems from the speech level singing technique. It’s not some new-found idea for learning how to sing, it’s simply a way of describing balance of resonance when you sing. Singing in the … Read more

Easier way to access your mix

With speech level singing, one of the main directives is to sing in your mix. Your mixed voice is simply the ability to sing from the bottom of your range to the top of your range without flipping, without raising your larynx, without shouting, and without laryngeal constriction. There are some sounds that set you … Read more

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