seth riggs

Institute for Vocal Advancement

If you haven’t heard about the Institute for Vocal Advancement, then check out their website here This organization is run by a group of fine teachers, mostly of whom are previous master teachers from the Speech Level Singing organization run by Seth Riggs. I believe this organization has much to offer both students and teachers. … Read more

Pharyngeal “throat” sounds

What I like about both SLS and Estille voice technique is that it takes the emphasis off of breathing as the front line for good singing technique, and it lets the singer focus on other co-ordinations first, that are just as important as breath control. There are other coaches that also do this: Ken Tamplin, … Read more

Singers, you have a choice!

Times have changed, and they are going to continue to change for singers. This is a great thing! Singers now have a choice! Gone are the days when there was one, and only one, way to train the voice. There was traditional voice training, and there was traditional voice training! You could go to university … Read more

OK, let’s cut to the chase

Please remember, I’m here to help you….yes, help you so you don’t take years off your career, like I did, just to figure out what you want from your voice. If you are not interested in singing classical music, then don’t go to a classical voice teacher!! Period. You have options! If you want to sing Broadway, … Read more

Why I Admire Seth Riggs

Seth Riggs, the man behind the incredible singing technique called Speech Level Singing. Many great singing coaches have learned from his early teachings. Teachers such as Brett Manning (Singing Success), Roger Love  (The Perfect Voice), and Roger Burnley (Singing Made Simple) have gone on to create fabulous singing programs in their own right. What makes this man … Read more

Easiest job in the world?

I remember my friends saying “Wow, you have the easiest job in the world, singing!” I would think to myself, you’ve got to be kidding. They had no idea the physical effort I was enduring to keep my voice balanced and controlled, and sounding the way it did ever minute of my performance. Sure, singing isn’t rocket … Read more

Ladies, I’ve been there!

While growing up in my small town, I always sang in the church choir. And, there was the school choir as well. I was considered an alto because I couldn’t reach notes as high as some of the other girls. When I was 12, I think, my favourite artist was Olivia Newton-John. If any of you … Read more

The mixed voice

I’ve talked about the “mixed voice” and how to find your “mixed voice” before. This is a term created by Maestro Seth Riggs in his Speech Level Singing method years ago. It is also used by Brett Manning, Roger Love, Dave Brooks, and countless other top-quality singing coaches from around the world. There is a lot of controversy surrounding this … Read more

Belting….is it safe?

Well, that’s a good question. It is…..and it isn’t! The voice is a fragile instrument, however it can hold up to elements of abuse at times. If you think of your vocal cords as the movements of a dancer, you can visualize the motion and flexibility that is required for good singing. A good dancer … Read more

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