Susie Q

Carrie Underwood and The Sound of Music … What went wrong?

What went wrong? The acting went wrong. The singing did not. And what about the singing? Did the producers honestly think there would be no backlash when audiences compared Julie Andrew’s British classically-trained voice to Carrie Underwood’s broad and brassy southern twang? If we talk about Carrie’s voice, then that is what we get…..Carrie’s thick-cord, … Read more

The hoarse voice

Do you ask yourself why you keep losing your voice? Why do you get a hoarse voice after singing for an hour, a night, or maybe two nights in a club? The vocal cords can only handle so much pressure. When they are misused, we can hear evidence by the imperfections in the sound quality … Read more

What is a balanced voice?

It’s no secret that good technique is key to singing well. Once you have established a firm foundation on which to build your voice, you should then, and only then, venture on to extreme singing. What is extreme singing? Any coordination that requires the voice to go beyond the basic set-up of a balanced mix … Read more

What’s your larynx doing?

There is a lot of information out there about the ideal position of the larynx for singing. This post is to help shed some light on the “variables” associated with your larynx. SLS (speech level singing) teaches you that the larynx should remain “stable” or “neutral”. I’m not a big fan of this description, although … Read more

The Basics

Learning to play piano by ear is an intertwining discipline of two separate coordinations….rhythm patterns and chord patterns. I have long neglected this very special part of my blog and I plan to make time for it over the next few months. I’m not going to string you along……the best and easiest way to learn advanced … Read more

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