
Why I’m glad I didn’t take traditional singing lessons…

I grew up singing. I sang at nursery school, I sang at church. I sang at public school in the choir and when I was 13 started a “band” with my sister. I played bass guitar and she played drums. We also had two friends in the band who sang and played guitar. We would … Read more

How to Sing Better…

If you have tried to learn how to sing better by reading information online, or by purchasing online products, then you have noticed that a lot of the information out there differs and it can be confusing. How is a singer suppose to know what is actually going to help them sing better? I have … Read more

How has Singing changed? Is Technique keeping up with Style?

Before the age of microphone technology there was only one way to sing. You needed to be heard at the back of the stadium with only your own head amplification to count on. This led to certain vocal techniques which were the only correct vocal sounds to be produced. This is known as a classical … Read more

Analysis of Female Belters and the Star-Spangled Banner

Recently Christine Aguilera performed the Star-Spangled Banner at the Superbowl. This poor performance was more than just forgetting the words. In this post I hope to provide valuable information to female singers worldwide about the importance of key choices and style choices of songs they sing. I will compare famous pop singers who belt and … Read more

What happened to Christine Aguilera?

You probably heard the gossip surrounding Christine Aguilera’s mix-up of the words of Star-Spangled Banner at the Super Bowl. You can revisit that performance here I would like to talk about that performance, but not about the words she messed up, but rather her voice. First, let me say I am a big fan. … Read more

Should I pressure my child to take music lessons?

I wonder how many adults say to themselves…”I wish I had continued my music lessons….”. Is that you? Do you have regrets about quitting piano? Many adults wish they would have continued their lessons. But, this is easier said than done. The lessons were possibly boring or too challenging, and your parents maybe thought it … Read more

Do you have trouble singing on key?

There are a few different reasons why people have trouble singing on key. We usually assume it is because they are not “hearing” or “listening” to the music well enough to copy. Teachers will generally assume this is an ear-training issue. While I don’t totally disagree, I want to draw your attention to a couple … Read more

Picking the right song….

It’s not as easy as you might think. Most singers will pick a song that they love without any thought to what might be best song for their voice. Here are some things to consider. Know your range from the lowest note to the highest note you can sing with ease. Don’t pick a song … Read more

How to get a “mixed” voice

  Everyone’s voice has a low section and high section. The low end is your chest voice and the high end is your head voice. The essence of good singing is utilizing both the chest voice and the head voice at the same time. This is called your “mixed voice”. Make sense? Your chest voice … Read more

Does your child sing all the time…….what age should they start lessons?

The majority of singing teachers suggest a child should start taking singing lessons around the age of 9. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Children can start taking singing lessons as soon as they have the desire to sing! By the age of 9 children have already established “habits” that can be difficult to … Read more

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