seth riggs

How to Sing Better…

If you have tried to learn how to sing better by reading information online, or by purchasing online products, then you have noticed that a lot of the information out there differs and it can be confusing. How is a singer suppose to know what is actually going to help them sing better? I have … Read more

How to get a “mixed” voice

  Everyone’s voice has a low section and high section. The low end is your chest voice and the high end is your head voice. The essence of good singing is utilizing both the chest voice and the head voice at the same time. This is called your “mixed voice”. Make sense? Your chest voice … Read more

Singing students…..should you go to university?

Did you take vocal lessons when you were younger? Are you happy with your voice now? Can you sing the songs in the style you want? All too often children and teens taking singing lessons during their youth have high aspirations of being a “singer” in today’s music business. Their parents spend thousands of dollars … Read more

Singing 101 – Is this You?

Knowledge is power. If you want to learn how to sing better … keep reading. I believe the best way to learn about anything is to experience it for yourself, and to learn about other’s experiences. When I read stories online about singers who have taken lessons from various teachers, I nod my head and think, “yeah, that’s what it was … Read more

Less is more….

Hi Everyone, Less is more….so what am I talking about?  Well, a few things really.  Did you know that you need LESS air to sing high notes…not more. Most people use way too much air when they sing high notes. This engages the outer muscles around the vocal cords which causes fatigue and strain. Singing high … Read more

Speech-Level Singing … Taking the High Road

During one of my last posts I talked about Brett Manning and Seth Riggs and this wonderful singing method called Speech-Level Singing. Today I want to talk further about how this technique is going to change the lives of many singers in the future. This world is constantly moving forward in ideas, creations and inventions. This … Read more

Why I Chose Seth Riggs…

I’ve been training and teaching voice for many years. I’ve always found it fascinating why some people can sing sooooo beautifully and others have such trouble, with or without vocal coaching. Some people are just born with the freedom and ease of singing more than others………….or are they? I first came across Speech-Level Singing and … Read more

Brett Manning’s “Singing Success” OR Seth Riggs’ “Singing For The Stars”

First, let me say I have both SLS products for about six years and they are both fabulous! However, neither can beat personal one-on-one SLS lessons with a coach to get instant feedback for your voice. My goal with this blog is tell you about my experience with SLS (Speech Level Singing). Let’s review — Brett Manning … Read more

Seth Riggs says take voice in a “Speech Level Singing” studio not at university…

Seth Riggs is considered by many to be the best and most successful voice teacher in the world. He is certainly the busiest. No other teacher, past or present, has ever matched his phenomenal track record. His students are a veritable “Who’s Who” of singers, actors, dancers, and entertainers throughout the world. He teaches opera … Read more

That’s my head voice?

Have you ever had an “ah ha” moment? Well, that’s what happened with my adult student today and it was her first lesson. She had developed the habit of only using her chest voice to sing. She ignored her head voice. I guess she didn’t like the sound. It’s actually quite a common habit among … Read more

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