Susie Q

Do you know your chest voice from your head voice?

Hi everyone, I watched the American Music Awards last night. Very entertaining but I tend to over-analyze the singers’ voices instead of just enjoying the show. I can’t help but wonder if some of these singers know the difference between their head voice and their chest voice. I have a hard time listening to singers who don’t … Read more

Justin Bieber? Taylor Swift? Who really has the voice?

Hi everyone, I was speaking with the mother of a student yesterday, and the subject of Justin Bieber’s voice came up. She was going on about how he couldn’t sing well, and how annoying it was to listen to. I didn’t interrupt her but let her finish and go on with her day. However, here is … Read more

You need to start in the right place…

One of hardest things to do as a vocal coach is tell a student that they are going about getting power in their voice the wrong way. Students will come to me with this great big chest voice that they think rocks the house. They want help getting to the higher notes. Yikes!!! How to … Read more

Oh no! It’s cold and flu season…what’s a singer to do?

Hi everyone, As a singer, we should always be aware of what is happening with our body and voice. Singing with a cold or cough, is definitely not ideal, but it also doesn’t mean you have to put your head in the sand. Good technique and paying attention to your body will go a long … Read more

Top 10 reasons music lessons with Music for Young Children is a better choice than traditional private.

1. Learning to play a musical instrument can be a lonely venture. In MYC, parents and peers share in their musical experiences. Experiences that will be remembered forever. 2. In MYC, students are motivated to practise and move ahead at a steady pace. This is done with incentives and an age-appropriate curriculum that has been … Read more

What SLS has taught me…..

I’ve only been studying Speech-Level Singing officially for a short time. I have made more improvements in my students voices in this short time, than I ever did before SLS.  Here is why. SLS treats every voice as an individual. Let’s face it, no voice is the same. There isn’t a single recipe that works … Read more

It takes time and good habits to develop a good singing voice…

Getting results from your singing lessons takes time. Don’t get discouraged. It took me years to get the quality of voice I have now, and I still take vocal lessons. Your voice can maintain for as long as you are alive if you do it correctly. There are professional singers who really understand this. These singers … Read more

Careful balance between technique and freedom……

Our goal as a singer should always be to create an experience for the listener. This experience could be many things…ie, emotions like joy or sadness, physical energy, or the recall of a memory. The listener is just an everyday person wanting an experience that affects them positively. The listener is looking for a singer who can relay the feelings … Read more

What age should your child start piano lessons?

What age did you start piano lessons? I was around 7 years old. My mother would drop me off at a lady’s house and we would sit beside each other at the piano for a half an hour. I really liked it at first. I can’t exactly remember when things started to change……… She was … Read more

Singers, has this happened to you?

I haven’t been blogging much lately. I’ve been so busy with the kids, performing at festivals and keeping up with my gigs. The weeks are just flying by. However today, I had a booking that inspired me to share my singing experience with you straight away. First, let me mention that I’m a seasoned singer. I’ve been … Read more

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